Some of you may be wondering where I have been last month since I left my blog 'kosong' for the entire February. Actually, I was quite busy in February with Chinese New Year celebration la, and I went to a vacation somemore~~hehe
So, after travelling, then must share something interesting right?
有关注我部落格的人一定开始好奇为什么我整一个月都没有po什么,原因是上个月比较忙,加上又是新年,还有去旅行~~呵呵。 不过旅行回来就是要分享好东西,对不?
After Chinese New Year, me and boyfie went on a backpacker travel to BALI!!! This is our first oversea vacation trip and previously I was quite a headache when want to start packing for the stuffs there. Due to the reason we are using a motorcycle as our main transportation, we couldn't afford to bring big luggage. So everything must be as light as possible!!!
Ahh, but then, all my skin care set comes with big bottles. We've spent quite an amount of money for this trip and I won't want to repurchase the travel set which I will only use like once.
That time it was coincidence that The Butterfly Project is looking for bloggers to review the trial products of KOSE. I was praying so hard that I would be selected by them. Really thanks God and the butterfly team, my prayer were answered. All I need to do next is waiting for the products to arrive at my doorstep =)
碰巧就在这个时候, The Butterfly Project 正在寻找部落客来体验 KOSE 雪肌精(SEKKISEI) 的护肤品。所以我祷告了很多,希望我会被选中。真的非常感谢神,不久后我就被选中。所以现在我要做的是等待这些护肤品到我家门口啦 =)
I never thought I will receive such a creative, pinkish, romantic, girlish ( all the sweet sweet descriptions I will give) box by KOSE a week before Valentine's. It fulfilled all the girl's dream criteria, big surprise box, all in romantic pink and white, cute KOSE character, and my god, THE HELIUM LOVE SHAPE BALLOON. KOSE really knows how to melt a girl's heart
Just click on my 15s video to look at the surprise inside the box =)
情人节的前一个星期,我真的没想到我会收到如此大的四方盒。真的非常的梦幻,一打开后就一个爱心气球飞升上来,里面装满了粉红,白色气球,树立在中间的就是这次要试用的雪肌精(SEKKISEI) 产品啦。有非常感动的感觉,第一次收到那么符合我爱的条件的东西!

Tadaaaa, a KOSE 4- pieces trial set stand firmly inside with lotsa pink and white balloons around it.
所有东西都是限量版哦,一个只需RM 99!
Here everything is now perfect with KOSE SEKKISEI TRIAL KIT becomes my travel kit, hehe =)
My travel essentials:
Hat checked, Xiaoyi checked, sunglass checked, sekkisei set checked!!!
I'm ready to go!!!!
一切有了KOSÉ 雪肌精(SEKKISEI) 试用套装就跟完美啦!
帽子(有!), 小蚁 (有!),墨镜 (有!),雪肌精试用套装 (有!)
Since everything must be light and easy, same for my make-up travel pouch too, just bring my must-have stuffs there! I don't like to put on heavy makeup wherever I go, I just need a bb-cream/foundation and eye-brow pencil then I'm ready, not forget to wear on a pair of colour contact-lens( powerful tool to look 10x prettier)
不忘给大家看看我的旅游化妆袋必备。因为这次是背包旅行,要越轻越好,所以我只带我真正需要到的。BB 霜和眉笔是必要,当然不可以忘了彩色隐形眼镜(让你迅间变十倍更美的厉害武器)
The first thing to do when arrived at the hotel is to arrange my skin care set in the washroom
Before starting the journey, a clean face is a must before applying make-up on. For the first time I will be using KOSE SEKKISEI,so excited to trying them out.
A little tip before washing the face.I'm here advising all to remove make-up/ dust from the face first with remover. I've stated the reason above and one more add-on is that later when your face is clean, the skin care products can be easily absorbed.
SEKKISEI White Liquid Wash
Proceed next to thewhite liquid wash of SEKKISEI. The texture is milky and I just need to dispense like one pump for my whole face. Although it is quite a small bottle, however it could last for three weeks for me.
It gives a refreshing sensation without the feeling of drying out or tightness.
Next is the turn of using KOSE SEKKISEI star product ( lotion) that promised to leave you with a beautiful and translucent skin. Although it contained 100 types of oriental plants in one bottle, it doesn't smell like those Chinese herb. The smell is just light, same goes to the texture. Application of this lotion to my face was just like feeding my face with pure water. Leaving that dewy-dewy look. Love x3!!!
The solution immediately penetrates my pores with just a gently pat on my face.
The third and final step for my skin care regime is using a moisturizer, and I'm now using SEKKISEI EMULSION. The function of moisturizer is to LOCK EVERYTHING IN while at the same time give you more more more hydration!
You can use a cotton pad for this, but I prefer using bare hand (but firstly make sure your hand is clean enough!) Dab a few drop on different regions of face and gently spread them off. Surprising, this product works well for my face without any stick after-feel.
Additional tips to share
When travelling, most of us will eventually neglect the care of our skin (especially face) due to tight and pack schedule. However, when you are travelling, you are expose your skin to various factors that will hurt your skin such as strong sunlight, extremely hot temperatures, dehydration. So many people will complain that their skin appeared more dry, a lot of acne popped up etc after the vacation.
In my days of travel in Bali, I'm glad that I have this KOSE travel set with me which included a small tube of clear whitening mask and Bihadagoyomi mask. After a whole day travel with bike, my face appeared more oily and dust started to clog up my pores. Now is the best time to clear the pores!
旅游时我们通常都会忽略肌肤的保养,使旅游后一大丢肌肤问题随之冒出来。庆幸这一次我有KOSE 雪肌精陪伴,里面刚好又有雪肌精净白黑面膜和Bihadagoyomi面膜。一整天骑单车后,肌肤难免都会出油,灰尘也铺得满面都是。是时候来个清理毛孔时刻!
It dries up within 5 minutes. The application is easy, you just need to spread them across the face and you can continue to do other thing such as upload picture in facebook/ instagraming/watching tv...but just remember don't talk, smile, or over react ,you will ruin the mask
I put in on for exactly 15 mins, and next is the moment I anticipated a lot- peeling down the mask.
Recommend to peel the mask from bottom. The whole thing is quite easy to be tear off, and it feels like I'm peeling a thin sheet of paper down from my face
*with just using it once, my face feels tighter and extra silky smooth*
Girls, really recommend this product alot!!! Feels like I'm just finish a pampering face spa session after applying this clear whitening mask.
Bihadagoyomi Mask
This greedy me will never ever feel enough for my face after the clear whitening mask, and next I proceed to try on the Bihadagoyomi mask which claimed that it offers 10x moisture that can instantly rejuvenates skin.
Yes, it is 10x , do you see that?
The set comes with 3-pieces of compressed dry mask. We just need to fully soak the lotion mask with Sekkisei lotion. It will immediately transformed to a normal wet-sheet mask. (Magic!) Then, place onto face for 5-10 mins. No rinsing is needed.
Another pampering session with Sekkisei lotion that could turn into a mask as well!!!
A little reminder here, please bring along a sun protector when you are travelling! I'm so careless that I forgot to bring them along but however really thanks to KOSE for their glow-from-within products. My face din't even become dark / dull after hours of exposure under hot sun despite my hand already turned dark. The products did meet what it says that gives women brighter, even-toned and moisturised skin.
I'm totally fall in love with these products and now still using them.
KOSÉ SEKKISEI’s special edition trial kit
KOSÉ 雪肌精(SEKKISEI) 特别版试用套装
For those who would like to know more about SEKKISEI and its new special edition trial kit, follow KOSÉ Malaysia on Facebook ( or visit the KOSÉ Malaysia website at
Not forget to list down some travel skin care tips for my reader =)
Go be beautiful ladies!!!
Anne Neo
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