Taiwan Taipei travel and food diary - XIMENDING 西门町,台湾(1)

June 30, 2015

I'm here return to my blog , sharing my first week at Taiwan. (I'm now still in Taiwan while writting this). i'm here for a 3 weeks clinical attachment at their local GH- Taipei Veterens General Hospital and I picked general surgery. More to share about the clinical experience on the next post. 

Now, ya~ Taiwan , here I come . 

For the first time landing in Taiwan,i'm pretty excited and anticipated. Heard the food was nice, people are friendly and helpful.

Taiwan had high rating for their hospitality u know! Hah, then must experience myself la

Eva air Hello kitty check in machine. This was what we found at the other terminal when we spending our first night at the airport. Huhuhu, landed quite late ady, there was no place for us to go, therefore airport sofa were our bed. So damn cold that night. Me and lisen couldnt sleep, so we explore every single corner of the airport, and we found SKYTRAIN!!! That's the thing that brought us to other terminal and I found hello kitty! My favourite stuff. Heard that the airplane were furnished with all hello kitty stuffs ... Erm need save money to travel by eva air next time ^^
It is quite important to purchase their data-sims. We have done a good research before we were here. TAIWAN AIRPORT HAVE THE MOST CHEAPEST PLAN ! do take note ya people. Internet assess is very important at taiwan especially when you are travelling yourself. Believe me, Google maps help you alot alot~ Having a local phone number means alot to us too, this is the way where we can stay connected with the local doctors, travel guide.

At first we want to sign up for chunghwa, the best telco in taiwan. However because they run out of the package that we want, we switch to FarEastone, which were much more cheaper (ntd 800, 30 days,unlimited data) compare to Chunghwa (ntd 1000, 30 days) Btw, their internet connection still far more better than Malaysia.....yeap, no doubt.


Hmm, this is me having my first breakfast at taiwan, first meal, therefore must record it. So much hungry at 4am , i think because i couldn't resist the (Hi-life) convenience store temptation...die die also must try one thing.hehehe , the taste not bad, maybe I have been starved and freezing for whole night, hot cup noodles was the best for me that time. There still got some chicken pieces inside leh~~good

The next day we hop on their bus to ximending. The place where I gonna meet my host ( from couchsurfing) to put my luggage. This is because we couldn't check in our hostel yet, the hostel only accept us on the second day...

Very very regret that we dint do a proper research about Ximending. We only found out a few days after we at Taiwan. How come I don't know XIMENDING IS AN IMPORTANT LANDMARK OF TAIWAN.
Here is the place where you can find cuisine, culture and fashionable clothes all at once.

So, we are like roaming around the street without knowing where to go...( lesson of not doing a research).
Carrying a super heavy backpack, walk under the hot sun (39 degree) drive me so exhausted here, i almost get a heat stroke. 

Then, we accidentally found their Presiential office....
Only i discovered it was part of the local tourism spot a few days later....feeling meh..

Okay fine, we dint go inside..

Then also accidentally found their national museum

Some Indonesian artists performed at their lobby. We dont need to pay for the entrance fee that day, because they was having some sort of celebration i guess, not very sure.

Then, still roaming around


Found something very very delicious at their street--- 椰奶海鲜饭  It tasted something like hokkaido cheese milk kind of food. Cooked with coconut, milk, carrot, potato,seafood. Something that not in Malaysia, and I dint tasted before, quite unique. I give 5/5 for the taste. Price just NT 40

Red bean cake, Ntd 10 for two pieces. Taste like waffle with red bean. Food rate 3/5

*something that I think I need to share to all Malaysian about this, I dont know we have special tatse buds or what, every single taiwan food tasted like so-so only for us. Even each high rating food recommended at the website also seems nothing special or delicious to us. I think we were used to the heavy flavors in malaysia and all the taiwan food seemed a little bit tasteless...im serious! So, before you order the food, please dont give high expectation. We were dissapointed like 9 out of 10 times...

Owh , their special love-jade-ice. I have no idea why it is called so. However it is recommend to have it during the summer period, the icy cold feeling really drive you to have another one. Ntd 35. Food rate 3/5

Roasted tea egg. Ntd 10 for one. Taste like normal egg with a bit of tea flavour at the egg white. Very special in the egg, but also so so to me after i ate it. Food rate 2/5.

Goose meat , the most expensive stuff we have in ximending. Ntd 500 for one plate of 1/4 of roasted goose . This food has the highest rating among social media, the restaurant was flooded with ppl too, but mostly tourist. However, it also just tasted like one of our common dish. Food rate 3/5

I dont know why, when we keep on dissapointed by the food recommended by social media, we still keep on trying...just like 打不死的蟑螂。。。ookay, this Ah chung flour rice noodle also the same, there was a loooong queue. We suppose it to be something that taste awesome..but u knw la, we dint satisfied with the taste. Food rate 3/5.

Star fruit ice. That give u an sour icy feeling, suitable for those that prefer sour stuff. Noy bad, very special dessert. Cost only ntd 35. Food rate 3/5

So, the lesson learned the second day at Taiwan, dont put much expectation at their food (just for malaysian) . If you are not Malaysian,welcome you to try taiwan food as much as you can. At the same time, please come to Malaysia too, here is food heaven especially in Penang .

Mango ice was on my must try list.We were drown with their taiwan travel commercial of taiwan ice... They keep on promoting taiwan mango ice until every time i heard taiwan, mango ice appered on my mind.
This one tasted good. Ntd 150, we shared among 3. Food rate 4/5

Then, at night, only we discovered the truly ximending..... We have been walked at the outskirts of ximending all the time..My goodness!!!!
When I step on this night street of happening ximending, i keep on questioning myself why i could be so wrong...regret to the max!


The red house was part of their tourist hotspot too.


Then, at night only we went back to Kerwin Peng's home sweet home. He was the first person that I knew in Taiwan. Thanks for the hospitality. We found him by couchsurfing. At first, i was still hesitate whether i want to stay at somebody house that I totally not recognise. But at last proven I'm wrong, Kerwin was a nice person and also his friend ( Silvia) . They both welcomed us (me and Gracie) , sharing to us where to go in Taiwan and offer their sofa bed for us to overnight before we head to our hostel the next morning. Big thanks to them. Taiwan really flooded with nice people.


At last, our second day Taipei ximending exploration selfie photos, more to come in the next post.

Goodbye and have a nice day.
Thanks for reading.

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