A 90s kid would like to tell her story #P1NostalgicNation

November 6, 2014

I'm not sure if anyone of you have the same childhood memories like mine. Apart from watching Sailormoon, Power Rangers, Powerpuff girls which were the 3 of my most favorite cartoon shows when I was young, I'm too just like others 90s kids, I enjoyed playing eraser games( winner has all), batu seremban ( which i was quite pro , REALLY!!!) , various card games ( happy family ,donkeyetc ) and more.

If you guys have stumbled upon my facebook, you will found out that recently I'm so in-love in posting video every week, this is just very odd to not-a 
-video-savvy like me. Haha, *secret* i never tried to make my own video before other than just compiling all the photos together and put a song ( that's what I called them a video) hehehe.
And really when I first saw that P1 was inviting their bloggers for a P1 Nostalgic Nation competition, and  we have to perform 3 weekly tasks by video. 
I'm like OMG, this is a big challenge for me but I'm not gonna give up~

and let me present my first-ever humble little video which I am so proud off!!!!

When the first task was annouced by P1 at 10 october which was fold a boat with a paper, then filmed it under 30s and show them how much the boat can hold before it sinks. For me, this was not just a simple easy task.
I'm just don't know how i should film it~ this is my first time k?! Huhuhu

I ended up searching all the apps for making and editing video. I could not use Meipai( a very popular video app) on my phone which I don't know why. Lastly , i found one that quite useful (videoshow) tearsdrop~~ yeah!!!!
I started taking video and most of them lasted for more than 30s which stress me so much and I nearly give up. The Videoshow which I downloaded could not trim it. I'm quite frustating that time and thanks God, the good old idea of compiling photos came in.
Aaahaaaaa~~~~~ so this quite pretty sum up how my first video was borned~
I'm already tried very hard to squeeze out every single knowledge that I have on making a video~
Praise me if it is a good one, hehe, a little bit beh paiseh~ 

Then for the second week, there we are required to fold a plane and fly it as far as we could~

3rd video-#MakeAFall by using parachute
Okay, seriously I should said this was not really challenging for me, as I was a champion in water rocket competition in my secondary school. At this competition, we have to make our own parachute and attached it to our rocket( made from 2 100plus bottle) and shoot it to the sky. i remembered I have the longest time my rocket staying in the air, thanks to the successful parachute I made that time.

But , but , but......
Things will not always happened as you wish right. When the task was announced, I dint have that idea of flying the parachute with rocket yet~ because I dont have that rocket launcher which could make this happen.

And then it was a block of idea.
What should I attached to this parachute? How I could make this video as creative as possible?
Too many question marks and there seems no solution. My boyfie then came to an idea why not make it a mysterious type with the theme of dark knight as the background~~~
At first , I'm agreed with it but then.......

Haha, the next day my housemate took the rocket laucher back because she is having a water rocket competition in the coming weekend....how coincidence !!!!

Very dramatic right ?
Until you hear the next story...
I begin to tell my boyfie how I would like to use the idea of flying parachute with water rocket.
I think he had to agreed with me at last~~ because I'm convinced that with the laucher, we could make a better video~
Okay, sincerely, I have to wrote here that we actually argued during the process of making this #MakeAFall challenge, things dint went out so smoothly that I thought~
Finally, we have to give up and stick to the original plan ( dark knight theme)
After the process of argueing, we actually sit back and talk nicely and share our opinions together.

.......I know i have cerita too much!!!!! Sorry for babbling~
Thankiu my dear for helping me in this video too and we ended up as a winner in the weekly challenge and won a pair of GSC Gold class movie tickets to watch any movie we like.
Thanks God, it was a nice experiece and worth to remember.

Lastly, I would like to thanks P1 for organizing this P1 Nostalgic Nation competition. From the process, I learned how to make a video and becoming more mature in handling situation like arguement.

We are all grown up children. At first we know nothing and from the lesson that we learned from time to time, it shaped us to become a better person. Still, we should not forget the innocent part in ourself, that's the best gift from God and we should utilize it as much as we can. 

#do you remember of tearing the last part of your little notebook and fold it as a plane?
#do you fold a boat and put it in your bathtub and shower with them during kids like me?
#do you love to play buah guli?
#l won your eraser! Yeah!
# Let's play super mario!

Thank you P1 for connecting us to our childhood memories.

And thank you to all that drop by and read these.
Have a nice day :)

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